Monday, 20 April 2009

Brown won't be distracted....

"All the other diversions in politics, and some of them are difficult....this [financial crisis] is the major problem". I take it this must be our dear leaders attempt to sweep under the carpet the conundrum he and his cabal have found themselves in following the McBride affair.

The financial crisis is indeed a major problem and so to are the issues that have arisen in the wake of the e-mail scandel of last week. What has been demonstrated is the existence of an insidious culture at the heart of No. 10 that has allowed a special advisor to the Prime Minister to deem it acceptable that the boundary between the political lives of politicians and their families should be crossed by a governing political party to score cheap and nasty political points.

Gordon Brown has long been known as an introverted control freak who seeks political control through masters of spin whilst standing well away from the damage that smears often cause. This time it has managed to back fire with the muck exploding within the confines of Downing Street, rather than within the ranks of the Conservative shadow cabinet. Gordie is definately trying to give Richard Nixon a run for his money!

Lord Mandy concluded, “What they [the public] want to see is a Government that is focusing on its day job and not allowing itself to be distracted by every media squall that is sent our way.” Oh dear, oh deary me....

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